About us…

The electrical and electronic metrology laboratory was established in the 1990s for the teaching needs of students of all fields of study at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics and Computer Science of the Opole University of Technology. It is currently being modernized and expanded with new positions, enabling: educating new generations of engineers in the field of electrical and electronic metrology using modern equipment based on recognized measurement methods. We also provide research and measurement services for external entities.

In 2020, we invited Elemont S.A. to cooperate, which patronizes the laboratory and supports it with its ideas and funds.

The Electrical and Electronic Metrology Laboratory operates at the Department of Automation at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automation and Computer Science of the Opole University of Technology and is located in building P3 in room 320 and P4 in room 015.

The laboratory is supervised by dr. hab. inż. Mirosław Szmajda, prof. university, technical supervision is carried out by mgr. inż, Marek Madej.

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